Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome to the Rolling Bearing Blog!

Thank you for stopping by the Rolling Bearing Blog!

I intend to provide to the bearing industry and others interested useful information such as the below:

1)  Interchange number information
2)  Applications of various rolling bearings (car wheels, Cat equipment, etc.)
3)  Company specific news
4)  Whatever other information your congenial host decides to provide

My intention is to write to the worldwide population of those interested in roller bearings.

This blog will start slowly, I understand that.  Please be patient.  I have two other blogs that I run, one I have just started for rolling bearing customers of our import company in Peru (in Spanish) as well as another where I post information on a variety of subjects of interest to me personally.

It is probably inevitable that I will write more on some subjects than others.  My writings will in part be decided by who provides ME with information that I can then share with those interested in our business: rolling bearings!

Please feel free to email me at:

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